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Nigerian Federal Government Sacks Six DPR Directors

Nigerian Federal Government Sacks Six DPR Directors

With reference to the transparency controversy of the bid round for 57 Marginal Fields concluded recently, there was a major ruckus at the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) which effectively resulted in the sack of all deputy directors. Sources say that the removal of these directors was triggered and initiated following the grumbling that the selection of winners and matching companies was exclusively carried out by the Director in the person of Engr. Sarki Auwalu.


Previously before these directors were removed there was already bickering among officials of the Petroleum Ministry and the Department of Petroleum Resources. In opposition to the global oil industry practice of public opening of bids, the existing management chose to send emails to selected winners with a directive to pay a portion of the signature bonus to the Treasury Single Account (TSA) of the Federal Government.


While winners were panicked and expressed fear over litigation that will come up with a matching of winners, the Minister of State for Petroleum Chief Timpre Sylva announced that 50% of the marginal field winners had paid for the signature bonus. The resulting sack was considered to be the best option to ensure a firm grip of the DPR since most of the DGs are senior to the  CEO. He also stated that a good number of them had previously participated in bid rounds conducted by the department and have vast experience.


The affected deputy directors include Head, Corporate Services, Mr Isah Tafidah; Head, Engineering and Standard, Engr. Akann Musa; Head, Downstream Monitoring and Regulation, Mr Mohammed Alaku; Head, Upstream Monitoring and Regulation, Mr Enorense Amadasu; Head, Safety and Environment, Mr Olusanya Bajomo; Head, Planning, Mr Johnson Ajewole and Head, Gas Monitoring and Regulation, Mr Musa Zagi.


Source: Nigerian News Direct.

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